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Web3 is the future World Wide Web where the user will be a central part of the digital revolution


Interview with Avery Akkineni, President, Vayner3 and speaker at the Digital Advertising Conference’ 22

Could you explain, what is the mission for Vayner3?
Vayner3, previously known as VaynerNFT, is a consultancy under the umbrella of VaynerX exclusively focused on guiding the world’s leading enterprises and intellectual property owners in the next iteration of consumer behavior, and navigating the ground-breaking and ever-evolving world of Web3.

Web3 technologies – also known as Web 3.0 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics – might be quite abstract and new terms for some.
Therefore, could you try to explain Web3.0 short and simple? 
Beyond just the next iteration of the internet; Web3 is the next iteration of consumer behavior! With Web1, we saw the rise of consumers accessing information at scale; with Web2, consumers were able to create content at unprecedented levels, and with Web3, consumers will own digital information; increasingly blurring the lines between physical and digital realities.

What is your/Vayner NFT’s impact on the future digital society and business development seen from especially a media perspective?
The media landscape will be dramatically altered by Web3; with power moving away from the platform monopolies, and towards a more equitable economic model between media creators, and media consumers. For the past decade+, we’ve seen almost all value from digital publications accrue towards platforms; and Web3 allows publications to begin leveling that playing field, while building deeper relationships with their communities.

What is the three main trends we look into the coming years regarding Web3?
Community-First | The community makes or breaks the success of a Web3 initiative; and keeping communities happy and engaged will become even more important
Aligned Incentives | More equitable and transparent compensation models throughout the digital supply chain; aligning incentives of creators (like publishers) and community members
Virtual Everything | We’ve started to see this already; but the world is digitizing – fast. Think virtual meetings, virtual currencies, and so much more to come.

As a speaker at the Digital Advertising 2022 conference, what would you like to emphasize at your keynote presentation?
We’re still in the very early days of the Web3 revolution. Web3 represents one of the most significant technology shifts of our lifetime. This time is analogous to the early internet days in the 90s and social media in the late 2000s and I want to ensure Digital Advertising 2022 attendees are are at the forefront of this transformation.


Kontakt for mere information

Josefine Anker
Presse- og kommunikationskonsulent

Mobil: 61 77 08 43

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