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Ukrainian Media Fund relocates to the Nordics and becomes Ukrainian Media Fund Nordic


The Ukrainian Media Fund is transitioning from the German Marshall Fund to Nordic leadership. The fund will operate under the new name Ukrainian Media Fund Nordic, which has headquarters in Denmark.  

The new location and name of the fund marks the return of operational management to its founding Nordic partners, continuing a close connection to Ukraine and a commitment to streamlined support for journalists.

Since establishing the Ukrainian Media Fund (UMF) in March 2022, the fund has played a vital role in supporting independent journalism in Ukraine. Initially founded by media organizations in the Nordics and Poland, the fund’s partnership with the German Marshall Fund in July 2023 contributed to its mission of safeguarding press freedom and delivering reliable news during the war. 

The new Nordic-based operation will enhance direct collaboration with Ukrainian partners while returning operational management to its founding Nordic partners and ensuring continued delivery of resources such as equipment, salaries, and training.

Denmark and its Nordic neighbors have consistently demonstrated their support for Ukraine politically and through grassroots initiatives. Establishing the fund’s base in the Nordics underscores the region’s dedication to bolstering Ukraine’s free press as a cornerstone of democracy.

The Nordic media industry is proud to follow in the footsteps of our governments, which have shown strong and lasting support for Ukraine. By relocating operations to the Nordics, we strengthen our ability to directly assist independent Ukrainian media and uphold the principles of press freedom and democracy in times of war.

Over the past 1,000 days, the Ukrainian Media Fund has provided financial, and equipment support to more than 100 media outlets and 400 journalists, becoming a hallmark of strategic, flexible, and needs-driven support for Ukraine's media. Nordic media organizations and institutions have been the backbone of this initiative from the start, and I am confident that under its new Nordic leadership, the Ukrainian Media Fund Nordics will further strengthen efforts to safeguard a free and sustainable media ecosystem in Ukraine.

Free media is the cornerstone of any democracy, which is why it is important that we maintain our support for Ukrainian media and independent journalism. UMF Nordic strengthens our Nordic cooperation and provides a good foundation for further efforts.

Marianne Bugge Zederkof
Tlf. 20 76 50 99

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